Vein Care Center

Ambulatory Phlebectomy for Varicose Veins in NYC

A phlebotomy is a gentle, in-office procedure that relieves the pain and embarrassment that comes with varicose veins. Used alone or in conjunction with other vein treatments, ambulatory phlebotomy is a permanent solution with very little downtime. For expert treatment of varicose veins and other vein conditions, call or book online to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists at the Vein Care Center. We are located in New Jersey, in Bergen County, Morris County and Union County, and in New York City in the Financial District, Midtown Manhattan, Upper East Side, and Greenwich Village.

    What Is Ambulatory Phlebectomy?

    If you have a diagnosis of varicose veins, ambulatory phlebotomy, also called stab phlebectomy, micro or mini phlebectomy, is one treatment your doctor may recommend. It’s a minimally invasive procedure during which your vein surgeon removes a varicose vein through small incisions. The procedure offers immediate cosmetic benefits and alleviates the painful and unsightly symptoms of varicose veins.

    Varicose veins affects millions Americans. This vein condition develops when the one-way valves within a blood vessel malfunction, allowing the blood to flow backwards, stagnate, or pool in the vein. The blood left behind causes enlarged, unsightly, twisted veins, usually in the legs, where the pull of gravity is greatest. Ambulatory phlebotomy offers a lasting solution to this vein problem.

    If you’re in New York City or Northern New Jersey, you can access this advanced vein treatment at the Veins Center. Dr. Jonathan Arad and a talented team of vein doctors offer individualized interventional vein treatments following a thorough history and examination.

    Ambulatory Phlebotomy

    What’s the Procedure for Ambulatory Phlebectomy?

    During your initial vein consultation, your doctor carries out a thorough assessment of your medical history and examines the affected veins. An ultrasound or other diagnostic tests may be required as well to confirm the diagnosis. Ambulatory phlebotomy is an outpatient procedure for varicose veins removal that takes about 30 minutes.

    It involves a series of steps, including:

    • Identifying each affected vein and then marking it to ensure accuracy
    • Applying a topical numbing agent to reduce discomfort during the procedure
    • Injecting local anesthesia into the skin
    • Making small slit-like incisions in the skin to access the abnormal veins
    • Cutting the vein at both ends where it shows through your skin
    • Using a small phlebectomy hook through one of the small incisions to remove the distressed vein

    After the procedure, the blood that flowed through the distressed vein is rerouted to other healthy veins. You see immediate results, as the unsightly vein has been removed and is no longer visible. Stab phlebectomy recovery involves wearing compression stockings for a few days to ensure that the redirected blood continues to move to other veins.

    Do I Need Ambulatory Phlebotomy?

    Depending on your overall health — as well as your lifestyle and the failure of less invasive varicose vein treatments — your vein specialists may determine that ambulatory phlebotomy is the best treatment for your varicose veins.

    Symptoms that make you a good candidate for ambulatory phlebotomy include:

    • Enlarged, twisted, and unsightly dark purple and blue veins that you’ve had for a while
    • Skin discoloration around the varicose veins occurs after a lengthy time of living with the condition
    • Aching or heavy feeling in your legs that affects your mobility
    • Swelling of your feet and ankles
    • A burning or throbbing sensation in the leg with varicose veins
    • Muscle tightening and cramps at night affect your sleep
    • Itchy feeling over the affected vein
    • Dryness and flaking of the skin around the affected vein that doesn’t respond to moisturizing
    • Pain that worsens after long periods of sitting or standing
    • Complications from untreated varicose veins, such as venous stasis ulcer, clotting or bleeding

    Benefits of stab phlebectomy include:

    • A quick recovery, as you can return to normal activities within one to two days and suffer little disruption in your life
    • More effective results for the treatment of varicose veins
    • An alternative to the painful vein-stripping procedure
    • No risk of skin scarring
    • No need for hospitalization
    • Effective cosmetic results
    • Reduced risk of varicose vein complications

    What Happens After My Ambulatory Phlebectomy?

    This procedure is a permanent solution for your vein condition, but only an experienced vein surgeon can effectively perform it. Dr. Arad, a board-certified surgeon, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of vein conditions and uses advanced techniques, including the phlebectomy procedure at the state-of-the-art facilities in New York City and in Paramus, Riverdale, Englewood Cliffs, Cranford and East Brunswick, New Jersey.

    Complications from stab phlebotomy are rare and temporary when you rely on an experienced vein specialist. Most of the time, you remain in the doctor’s office for a short period before being discharged.

    Minor and temporary side effects you may experience include:

    • Some bleeding at the injection site
    • Minor blood clotting
    • Temporary bruising or swelling
    • Temporary skin numbness

    "For a number of years, doctors told me the only way to remove my painful varicose veins was by surgery. As a massage therapist, I had to be back to work very quickly. At the Vein Care Center it only took a few minutes, and the results were great! Within a few days, the aching I had felt for years had disappeared. Highly recommend.

    Laura R.

    Where Can I Get Vein Treatments?

    If you’ve tried other treatments for varicose veins with no results, contact the vein doctors at any of the Vein Care Center offices for ambulatory phlebotomy. Your experienced vein doctors can use ambulatory phlebotomy in conjunction with other treatments as well, such as:

    Your trusted vein doctors also offer diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of other vein problems, including:

    For more information about ambulatory phlebotomy in NYC and Paramus, Northern NJ, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jonathan Arad, call us at (212) 242-8164 or (201) 849-5135. Alternatively, you can visit our best-rated Vein Care Center in person and discover why so many of our patients rate us as some of the top phlebectomy procedure specialists in New York & New Jersey.

    Page Updated on May 23, 2023 by Dr. Arad (Vein Doctor) of Vein Care Center