Vein Care Center

Are Varicose Veins Creams Effective in Eliminating Unwanted Veins?

Home > Are Varicose Veins Creams Effective in Eliminating Unwanted Veins?

    Updated on May 23, 2023 by Dr. Jonathan Arad (Vein Doctor) of Vein Care Center

    Varicose veins are enlarged veins that are swollen and raised above the skin’s surface. They can occur in almost any part of the body but they most often appear on the legs, especially the outer thighs. Varicose veins can also be found on other parts of your body like your arms, abdomen, or face. Although varicose veins are painless, they may cause discomfort and swelling and may also be a cosmetic issue for some people.

    So how effective are creams in treating your stubborn varicose veins? Although creams are a popular remedy for spider veins, there are no substantial findings regarding their effectiveness. On the other hand, there are available vein treatments that you can opt for instead which are proven to reduce the visibility and protrusion of your spider vein.

    Should You Trust Creams in Getting Rid of Varicose Veins?

    Most creams aren’t necessarily a long-term solution for varicose veins. They’re often used to temporarily relieve symptoms of varicose veins and can be used in combination with other treatments. They may also be used as a preventative measure, or when you’re not sure if your vein problem will continue to get worse.

    The best way to find out if you’re a good candidate for varicose vein treatments is by talking with a doctor or nurse. They can explain all of the available treatment options and help you decide which one is best for your situation.

    The Lack of Medical Research for Varicose Vein Cream

    Varicose veins are a common problem that many people find unsightly. They are caused by the veins in the leg becoming weak or enlarged, which causes blood to pool in them. Varicose veins can be treated by using topical treatments such as vein cream; however, it is not known if these creams are effective at removing varicose veins. The lack of medical research on this topic makes it unclear what type of effect these creams have on removing varicose veins.

    The lack of medical research in this area has led to a variety of misconceptions about varicose vein creams and their effectiveness. For example, many people believe that applying these products will shrink the affected vein on its own or provide relief from the pain associated with it.

    Reliable Interventional Treatments from Vein Care Center

    Varicose veins are a common problem that affects millions of people each year. While there is no cure for varicose veins, there are treatments available to help reduce their appearance and improve symptoms.

    These treatments include the following:

    1) Endovenous Laser Treatment

    This laser treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that uses laser energy to seal off the vein, causing the vein to shrink and disappear. It is an effective and safe way to treat varicose veins where the laser seals off the blood flow at the end of your vein and works by shrinking it. This process stops further blood flow into that area of skin which causes it to flatten out once again, reducing its appearance greatly.

    2) Sclerotherapy

    Sclerotherapy is an effective and minimally invasive procedure that can be used to treat a wide range of vascular conditions, including varicose veins, spider veins, and even hemorrhoids. The procedure involves injecting a chemical solution directly into the vein in order to cause it to collapse and close off. The injected solution causes the tissue of your vein to die off or shrink over time, which will eventually lead the vein to collapse completely.

    3) Ambulatory Phlebectomy

    Ambulatory phlebectomy is an outpatient procedure that requires no recovery time. It is performed under local anesthesia in the vein doctor’s office, so you can go home after the procedure. There is little to no downtime for this type of treatment, which makes it ideal for people who have extensive varicose veins or other vein conditions.

    It’s effective in removing varicose veins from different areas such as the legs and feet. The process begins with administering a local anesthetic to numb the area around the varicose vein being treated. A tiny catheter equipped with a laser probe then gently heats and destroys scar tissue associated with problematic veins while it simultaneously cauterizes them closed so they won’t bleed during healing.

    4) Echosclerotherapy

    Echosclerotherapy is a vein treatment where it involves the use of a small needle that delivers a combination of sclerosing solution and ultrasound energy to the varicose veins. During this procedure, your doctor will insert the needle into your vein, then inject the sclerosing solution directly into it.

    Your doctor will also perform an ultrasound scan on your leg as he or she injects you with the solution to view how well everything is going during your treatment. This helps ensure that all of your blood vessels are being treated properly before moving on to another area of your body.

    Free Yourself From Varicose Veins at Vein Care Center

    Varicose veins can be easily treated even before they develop. These veins normally protrude at certain parts of your body caused by different factors such as your lifestyle, weight, and age. Fortunately, Vein Care Center can help you get rid of these veins and make you help feel confident again.

    At Vein Care Center, our team of specialists can help provide the right and most effective vein treatment for you depending on your needs. If you want to get rid of your unwanted veins and improve your vein health, make sure to schedule an appointment with us today.

    Dr. Jonathan Arad has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.