Vein Care Center

Do Varicose Veins Hurt?

Home > Do Varicose Veins Hurt?

    Updated on May 23, 2023 by Dr. Jonathan Arad (Vein Doctor) of Vein Care Center

    What most patients complain about varicose veins is the unflattering look it leaves on the legs — they have bulging, twisted, and rope-like appearances, often with red, blue, or purple colors. But many of them also wonder if the leg pain, heaviness, itchiness, and other discomforts they experience are related to these unsightly veins.

    So do varicose veins hurt? The quick answer is yes — varicose veins can hurt. Leg pain is one of its symptoms, alongside itchiness, heavy feeling, and skin discoloration. This pain is caused by the vein stretching and receiving increased pressure from the blood collected in it. Pain from varicose veins may also be caused by inflammation or a blood clot.

    Can Varicose Veins Be Painful?

    Aside from the appearance of twisted and enlarged veins, varicose veins also commonly cause pain. But their appearance doesn’t always result in discomfort. Similarly, patients may experience leg pain from varicose veins, even without their bulging appearance at the skin’s surface.

    Discomfort from this condition may vary, with sensations like:

    • Muscle cramps
    • Feeling of having heavy legs
    • Throbbing sensation in the legs
    • Burning feeling in the legs
    • Discomfort in the area of the affected vein

    Varicose veins aren’t always visible because the affected vein is buried deep in the tissues. Patients would only experience leg pain for a long time without determining varicose veins as its cause. Because of this, you may also want to visit a vein specialist when you have discomfort in the legs.

    Why Your Varicose Veins Hurt

    Your varicose veins may hurt due to several things. The most common cause is the increased pressure in your vein walls due to the blood collecting in them, causing them to stretch and become enlarged.

    Varicose veins develop when blood pools in your leg veins instead of flowing back to the heart. Veins have valves that prevent blood backflow as it works against gravity to return to proper circulation. But when these valves become faulty, blood may collect in the veins, causing its bulging appearance and pain.

    Pain from varicose veins may also be caused by inflammation. The blood collected in your veins and other fluids can leak into your other soft tissues, like the legs, feet, and ankles. This may cause:

    • Swelling and infection
    • Blood clot
    • Leg ulceration
    • Dermatitis

    The conditions resulting from varicose veins involve different types of pain and concurrent symptoms. Consult a vein specialist to receive appropriate assessment and treatment and avoid complications.

    Early Signs of Varicose Veins

    Many patients notice the development of varicose veins by the twisted and bulging appearance of the vein. But as mentioned, this condition isn’t always visible.

    That’s why you may want to know some of the early signs of varicose veins, like:

    • Bulging veins
    • Itchy skin
    • Swelling
    • Skin discoloration
    • Leg ulcerations
    • Dry skin
    • Burning or throbbing pain
    • Muscle cramps
    • Pain that worsens after sitting or standing for long periods

    These are only some of the symptoms of varicose veins. If you’ve noticed any of these signs, you may want to consult a trusted vein specialist to provide you with a thorough assessment. Vein Care Center is equipped with a venous ultrasound to get a detailed image of your vein health under the care of board-certified professionals.

    Varicose Veins Danger Signs

    Varicose veins aren’t usually life-threatening. But if left untreated or unmanaged, they may cause serious reactions. They might also be a sign of an underlying health issue that needs medical attention.

    Some danger signs are:

    • Bleeding – once a bulging vein is hit or cut, a patient can experience intensive bleeding, as there’s more than the usual amount of blood in the affected vein.
    • Swelling – as blood collects and applies pressure in the veins, fluid leaks and causes swelling. This leads to skin discoloration, and pus may leak out of the skin.
    • Leg ulceration – swelling leads to skin changes when it heals slower, even from minor injuries. This is caused by the skin not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients received, which is necessary for the body’s healing process.
    • Skin infections – the tissues become strained from the swelling of the legs, affecting negatively the body’s response to fight infections. This makes you vulnerable to cellulitis and other reactions.
    • Thrombophlebitis – varicose veins often lead to blood clots, resulting in pain and other problems.
    • Deep vein thrombosis – this is a condition involving a blood clot in the deep veins, usually at the legs. DVT requires immediate medical attention as its risks, like pulmonary embolism, may be life-threatening.

    These are some of the danger signs of varicose veins. That’s why if you’ve been experiencing leg pain and other symptoms, like swelling, skin discoloration, and warmth, consider seeking immediate medical attention.

    What to Do for Painful Varicose Veins

    There are at-home treatments to relieve pain from varicose veins immediately. But it’s important to note that these steps only promote short-term pain relief and won’t resolve varicose vein symptoms completely.

    To relieve discomfort immediately, you may:

    • Take NSAIDs
    • Apply a cold compress
    • Elevate your legs
    • Wear compression garments
    • Improve physical activity

    For long-term relief from pain and other varicose vein symptoms, you should consult a vein specialist for the most suitable vein treatment option for you. Vein Care Center is one of the most trusted clinics for varicose veins, with board-certified professionals to help improve your quality of life.

    The Best Treatment Options for Painful Varicose Veins at Vein Care Center

    Vein Care Center is equipped with the most advanced equipment providing sophisticated procedures for removing varicose veins. Under the care of the best board-certified vein specialists, you can expect the safest and most effective treatment possible.

    Varicose Vein Treatment Description
    Sclerotherapy The vein specialist will inject a sclerosant or a solution to cause scarring on the vein, allowing it to close up. Local tissues will reabsorb the vein, and the blood will flow to a different route.
    Endovenous Laser Treatment The ELAS device will apply heat on the vein walls via the fiber inserted into the vein to close it and make the blood flow to other veins.
    Micro-Phlebectomy A vein specialist creates small incisions for access to remove the affected vein under the skin. The blood will reroute to other healthier veins.

    These are the varicose vein solutions available at Vein Care Center. If you’ve been experiencing leg pain, with or without the appearance of varicose veins, you can consult our vein specialist. We’re equipped with ultrasound imaging for your veins to assess your condition thoroughly.

    How to Avoid Varicose Veins

    Some patients may develop varicose veins faster than others, like those whose lifestyles involve sitting or standing for long periods.

    If you want to avoid varicose veins, some of the things to do are:

    • Exercising regularly
    • Keeping a normal weight
    • Avoiding standing or sitting for long periods
    • Taking sitting or standing breaks
    • Elevating the legs
    • Avoiding tight-fitting clothes
    • Wearing support stockings and compression garments

    These are only some of the ways to avoid varicose veins. You may consult a vein specialist at Vein Care Center to receive a customized plan to assess your risks and prevent this condition.

    Relieve Varicose Vein Pain at Vein Care Center

    Varicose veins can hurt because of the increased pressure of your veins from the collected blood, allowing them to stretch and twist. Pain from varicose veins may also indicate inflammation, blood clot, or leg ulceration. But varicose veins aren’t always evident in some cases, with only pain as its symptom. Because of this, you should consult a vein specialist if you’ve been experiencing pain with or without bulging veins.

    Vein Care Center is one of the most reputable clinics specializing in removing varicose veins. We’re equipped with cutting-edge tools and techniques to ensure the safest and most effective treatment possible. Our board-certified specialists also create customized treatments for all patients, from compression therapy to endovenous laser ablation. Get started on relieving pain from varicose veins today by booking an appointment with us.

    Dr. Jonathan Arad has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.